Spirituality and Science – Is there a contradiction?
If there isn’t a contradiction, then what good can become from developing a sound understanding of both, and taking that spark into the world to change it for the better? Well, that’s the point of this whole thing. No dogma or doctrine, just suggestions for you to carry forth into the world if you think that it’s a good idea. And if you don’t; you’ve just seen a thought-provoking lecture that made you think.
“An Introduction to the Spiritual Science of Rudolf Steiner“
A series of in-person lectures in and around Sheffield.
October – Dates & Venues TBC
Event Schedule
Below are a list of topics that we will cover in the series of talks, along with dates, info on the speakers and venues when we have it. Note that not all of the links will work right away, this website is a work in progress.
Venue TBC
Is the Universe Really Meaningless?
Date TBC – Speaker TBC
A lecture on reality. Does everything have meaning, or is it all just random noise? And if it does, what effect does that have on you and me today?
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Venue TBC
Wish your Vegetables had more Pesticides?
Date TBC – Speaker TBC
Factory/industrial farming has proven to be killing the planet and us. Is there another way?
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Venue TBC
Is there in fact an answer to Life, the Universe and Everything
Date TBC – Speaker TBC
Is there an answer to everything? This is usually where we would give you our answer and you would walk away, but it’s not like that. This time, it’s on you.
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Venue TBC
Is there a better Alternative to Party Politics?
Date TBC – Speaker TBC
Anyone who has been alive in the past ten years would know that the political system right now isn’t working very well, even from every angle you can look at it. Is there a realistic alternative?
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Venue TBC
Radically New Schooling for Kids
Date TBC – Speaker TBC
Does the education system as it is right now work? People who haven’t been paying attention will probably tell you it is. There is another way, that’s been hidden in plain sight for over 100 years.
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Venue TBC
Holistic Ways to Health
Date TBC – Speaker TBC
Modern medicine; does it work or not? And alternative medicine; does it work or not? Is there a way of doing holistic medicine that actually works? If this is your thing, you won’t want to miss this.
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“You got me with the paragraph, but who’s this guy?“
With the introduction of a name, you might think that we’re some kind of cult, just trying to push dogma onto the masses. We use Steiner’s name mainly because he’s the one who “won the race” and first popularised these ideas and this movement. If you want to know more about Steiner, ask around in the Rosefolk discord server or read some of his work on RSarchive, but while he said some good stuff, he is not someone to be blindly believed nor is his work a strict legal dogmatic code.